River Rock: Great For Borders And Edging

Discover the beauty and versatility of river rock for your garden borders and edging. Perfect for low maintenance, weed control, and enhancing drainage while adding a natural aesthetic.

Is there anything quite as satisfying as finding the perfect material for your garden border or pathway edging? It’s like getting the last piece of a jigsaw puzzle to fit perfectly or realizing you had just enough milk for your morning cereal. Let me introduce you to the wonder of river rock. Known for its smooth texture and natural beauty, river rock is a top choice for both DIY enthusiasts and professional landscapers.

River Rock: Great For Borders And Edging

Discover more about the River Rock: Great For Borders And Edging.

Why River Rock?

Imagine a canvas of perfectly rounded pebbles, each one telling its own little story of erosion and time. River rock is functional, versatile, and adds an aesthetic appeal that’s hard to beat. It’s like taking a slice of nature and embedding it into your garden or landscape, giving your outdoor space a seamless connection to Mother Earth herself.

A Natural Aesthetic

One of the main attributes of river rock is its natural aesthetic. These rocks are not just beautiful but also varied in color and size. Think of grey, white, and brown pebbles harmonizing in a chorus as they line your garden path or define your flower beds. There’s something inherently soothing about looking at them. You’ll almost want to thank the river for gifting you these gems.


Though they might look delicate and smooth, don’t let that fool you. River rocks are tough. Weather-resistant and extraordinarily durable, they hold up very well under the elements. Your garden’s border will look just as lovely next year as it does today, without requiring much in the way of upkeep.

Benefits of Using River Rock for Borders and Edging

Before you dismiss this as another “as-seen-on-TV” recommendation, let’s break down the tangible benefits.

Low Maintenance

Unlike mulch, which breaks down over time and requires regular replenishing, river rock stays put. It doesn’t attract pests, and it won’t decompose. Essentially, it’s a one-time investment that will save you time and money in the long run.

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Weed Control

River rock acts as a natural weed barrier. When laid over landscape fabric, it prevents sunlight from reaching any weed seeds lurking beneath, making it quite the adversary for unwanted garden invaders. Indeed, while you might have to handpick a few pesky weeds now and then, for the most part, your garden will stay gloriously weed-free.


River rock can significantly improve drainage in your garden. The spaces between the rocks allow water to flow through easily, thus preventing water-logging. This is great if you live in an area with heavy rainfall. Your garden beds will be safe from erosion, and your plants will thank you for not having their toes constantly wet.

Types of River Rock

River rock is not a one-size-fits-all kind of deal. Just as with the many types of pasta that exist (where my fellow ziti aficionados at?), river rock comes in various sizes and colors. You’ve got options, my friend, and plenty of them.

Small River Rock

Small river rocks, usually less than an inch in diameter, are excellent for creating pathways and small borders. They are easy to maneuver around plants and trees, filling in gaps where larger stones might not fit. Perfect for those dainty areas needing a touch of finesse, smaller rocks provide a polished look without overwhelming the space.

Medium River Rock

Rocks between one and three inches in diameter fall into the medium category. They are great for creating more substantial borders and edging tasks. These rocks have enough heft to stay in place, making them ideal for areas with moderate foot traffic.

Large River Rock

Larger river rocks, over three inches in diameter, serve as the dramatic edge pieces in the garden theater. They’re visually striking and can act as stand-alone features. They are fantastic if you’re looking to create a bold boundary around a garden bed or pond.

Mixed River Rock

If you’re indecisive (hey, no judgment!), mixed river rock offers the best of both worlds. Various sizes and colors come together in a bag, eliminating the need to choose just one type. Think of it as a “rock salad,” a harmonious blend that looks stunning and offers versatile applications.

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Installing River Rock Borders and Edging

You’ve selected your river rock, and now comes the fun part: installation. Don’t worry; this isn’t akin to deciphering Ikea instructions. It’s much simpler.

Prepping the Area

First, mark out the area where you want to place your river rock. Make sure to clear the space of any grass, weeds, or debris. This will give you a clean slate to work from, and it’s oddly therapeutic, this clearing away of nature’s clutter.

Laying Landscape Fabric

To keep those pesky weeds at bay and ensure your rocks stay put, lay down some landscape fabric. Simply cut the fabric to fit your designated area and secure it with landscape pins. This fabric will serve as a virtuous barrier between the earth and your beautiful rocks.

Placing the Rocks

Now comes the moment you’ve been waiting for – placing those river rocks into their new home. Spread them out evenly over your prepared area, ensuring a consistent depth of at least two to three inches. This will create a sturdy barrier that functions well and looks gorgeous.

Finishing Touches

Take a step back and admire your handiwork. Add any finishing touches, such as adjusting rock placement or adding a second layer for extra density. Sometimes, stepping on rocks can help them settle in, so feel free to do a little dance on your new creation.

Maintaining Your River Rock Edging

Your stunning river rock border or edging might be low maintenance, but it’s not no maintenance. Occasionally, you’ll need to tidy things up a bit. Here are some tips to keep it looking fresh and fabulous.

  1. Remove Debris: Periodically rake out any leaves, twigs, or detritus that might collect. Consider it the equivalent of tidying up your living room but in the great outdoors.

  2. Check for Weeds: Despite your best efforts, some weeds may find a way. Pull them out promptly to keep your river rock looking pristine.

  3. Replenish as Needed: Over time, rocks can shift or settle, especially after heavy rains. Add a few more rocks now and then to fill any gaps.

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River Rock: Great For Borders And Edging

Where to Get Your River Rock

You’re convinced now, aren’t you? Ready to get your hands on some primo river rock? There’s no need to wander up and down the aisles of a massive home improvement store, wondering why you ever decided to redo your garden on the first hot day of summer. Instead, head straight to Lilly’s Landscape Supply.

Why Lilly’s Landscape Supply?

Ah, Shelby County, the land of rolling hills, picturesque farms, and friendly locals. Nestled right in this delightful slice of Alabama is Lilly’s Landscape Supply, your ultimate stop for landscaping needs. Whether you’re a homeowner looking to spruce up your yard or a business aiming to perfect its exterior charm, Lilly’s has got you covered.

If you’re anywhere within a 50-mile radius of Pelham, AL, they’ll even deliver! And if you live a touch farther out, a quick call will get you a custom quote. It’s almost like having a personal concierge for your garden-party planning.

What They Offer

Lilly’s Landscape Supply isn’t just about rocks (though their selection is quite impressive). They offer everything from soil, mulch, and sand to gravel, pine straw, and stones. It’s practically a supermarket for all things landscape. Bulk buying is a breeze, whether you’re tackling a small backyard project or an expansive commercial endeavor.

Contact Information

In-Store and Online

The great thing about Lilly’s is their flexibility. Order online if you prefer the modern convenience of digital shopping, or swing by their store if you enjoy the sensory delight of seeing and touching your landscape materials before committing. Either way, their friendly staff is always ready to assist you every step of the way.

Wrapping Up

So, whether you’re looking to line a lovely flower bed, create a quaint yet stylish garden path, or install a functional barrier around your driveway, river rock is an excellent choice. Its natural beauty, combined with practicality and durability, makes it a favorite among garden enthusiasts.

And let’s not forget, for all your landscaping material needs, you know where to go – Lilly’s Landscape Supply. They aren’t just supplying materials; they’re providing peace of mind, ensuring every step of your project is smooth and stress-free.

Now, grab those gardening gloves, a wheelbarrow full of optimism, and let’s get to transforming that ordinary patch of grass into something extraordinary. Isn’t it about time your garden looked as fabulous as you feel?

Check out the River Rock: Great For Borders And Edging here.

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